About Us
We are a newly established centre in Dublin’s Beacon Clinic,
specialising in three medical issues.
- Prostate problems
- Vasectomy
- Hyperhidrosis, or excessive sweating
Our Team

Dr John O’Keeffe
John trained and worked in both the UK and Australia in the late 70s. In 1981 he set up the vasectomy service in Dublin’s Well Woman Centre. Since then, working as a GP he has always been interested in men’s’ health. Of late his focus is on a uniquely male health issue, namely Prostate problems.

Dr Killian Bates
Killian graduated from Trinity College Dublin. He is trained in all aspects of family planning and general practice including postgraduate training in Vasectomy Surgery. He has replaced Dr John O’Keeffe as our principal vasectomist.
Not surprisingly, this has led him to a renewed interest in the prostate and the problems that it can cause.
You can arrange this here by telephoning 01 223 9850 office hours, or by completing an online application here. Just ask to make an appointment for a Prostate check-up.
All men aged 50 plus, but especially men having a father or brother with prostate cancer – especially at an early age – and men of African descent.
Two common but unrelated problems.
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) otherwise known as Big Prostate. In our fifties the prostate slowly enlarges, gradually affecting our ability to pass urine. A we get older this worsens. It is not possible to prevent this, but it is treatable.
Prostate cancer – There are no warning signs for this until it is fairly advanced, but early prostate cancer can be detected by testing.
- A questionnaire concerning the effect an enlarging prostate has on ability to pass urine. View it here. Print this off, fill it in and bring it with you for your appointment. Alternatively, you will be given one to fill in upon arrival at your appointment. This questionnaire is known as the International Prostate Symptom Score, or IPSS.
- A physical examination of your abdomen, and a DRE. Because the prostate lies deep in the pelvis, it can only be felt from the back. DRE means Digital Rectal Examination, where a gloved and lubricated finger is very gently passed up the rectum to feel the prostate. It is quick and painless.
- Urine and blood tests. These check kidney function, possibility of infection or diabetes, and include a PSA test.
- Ultrasound examination of your bladder, to check that it fully empties after passing water. Similar to an ultrasound for pregnant women, this is instant, safe, reliable and at the same time there is no discomfort.
The whole check-up will take about 30 minutes, particularly if the IPSS has been completed. Therefore it is valuable to complete this beforehand and bring it with you to your appointment. If you have not done so, one of the receptionists will give you a blank one to fill in while waiting. It takes less than 5 minutes to do it but does save some time at your appointment.
The IPSS, DRE and ultrasound are all instant. Most men will know where they stand in relation to BPH immediately, but the blood test of kidney function is available within a week.
Prostate cancer is picked up from two tests – the DRE and the PSA blood test. The PSA test report is available within a week. For this reason, we will phone you with the result of this.
Nothing. Come back in 18 months please and do it again.
It depends. If BPH is present, it can usually be managed by your own GP. In more severe cases you may be referred to a consultant urologist.
If cancer is suspected, either the PSA test may be repeated after an interval, or you will be referred to a specialist.
The whole check-up costs €250. It is not covered by a medical card, but some of the health insurers cover it. Check with them.